It’s funny…if someone would have asked me what I would want to photograph 4 years ago, it is not likely I would have said newborns. Yet, that is what you’ll see in a large bulk of my portfolio! I have found a real joy in documenting this special time in a family’s life, because it […]

Everyone has a story. Here is my story of how I got my start as a photographer. I like to consider myself a physical therapist by trade and a photographer at heart. My dad taught me about cameras and taking pictures as a kid. He took a lot of pictures when we would camp, and […]

As I dream about my photography business, my goal is to capture people as themselves, create a unique experience for each client, and inspire them to embrace their individuality in their pictures. Natalie and Cory were dream clients, because they brought so many unique ideas to their engagement session that were so “them” and told […]

  So you may be a new visitor and wondering, who is this Liz person anyway. I came to realize that if you are welcoming me into your family home or considering me to follow you around for the majority of your wedding day, you may want to know a little bit about me.  The […]